Physician Family Media

Cover of Physician Family Alliance in Motion MagazineBe a Catalyst for Good!

Click the Cover photo to get your Digital Edition! 

“Doing good makes us feel good. Several pieces in this issue focus on this fabulous feel-good phenomenon; others feature projects both small and large. Reading about them will make you feel good, too." -  Co-editor Donna Baver Rovito

“I hope you enjoy this issue, ‘Be a Catalyst for Good,’ as our year of catalyst-themed issues concludes. The magazine features heartwarming stories of Alliance members across the country with a desire and drive to make a difference in their communities.”  - Co-editor Sheridan Sheffield

Racheal Kunesh, AMA Alliance President 2023-24 says, “Thank you for being an integral part of the AMA Alliance. Together, we are a force for good, an Alliance of friends committed to making our world a better place—one initiative, one project, one community at a time.”

Pat Klettke, AMA Alliance President 2024-25 adds: “We have all attempted to be catalysts for growth, for change and for good. Next year, let's keep this momentum going and take our efforts one step further, one project, one event, one communication, one member at a time. “

The digital edition is a FREE GIFT from the AMA Alliance; members get hard copies IN THE MAIL! Join today at

We would love to hear from you at [email protected] or [email protected]!



Past issues are available on our Archives page.

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AMA Alliance

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Physician Family Media: [email protected]
AMA Alliance: [email protected]

Please feel free to contact us with ideas, insights, comments, or suggestions – or if you’d like to reach our important audience through advertising. And, please, tell your family and friends that Physician Family Alliance in Motion Magazine is here for them, too!

Your Editorial Team:
Kris Firth
Donna Baver Rovito
Sheridan Sheffield

Physician Family Media: [email protected] 
AMA Alliance: [email protected]