Submit Articles/IdeasWant to Submit Articles or Ideas to Physician Family Magazine? Physician Family is about physician families; most of our creative voices are members of physician families themselves. If you’re a writer or blogger and would like to write for us, please contact us with some personal information and ideas. We’re also looking for experts in various fields who are willing to provide professional expertise for future articles and blogs – people like lawyers, financial, fitness and food experts, travel consultants, relationship specialists and more – basically, anyone who has information and expertise to offer which is pertinent to physician families. Readers are invited to share ideas about topics they’d like to see in Physician Family Magazine, as well. Please contact Donna Baver Rovito at [email protected] if you’re interested.
The addition of Alliance in Motion to Physician Family Magazine provides even more opportunities for Alliance members at the local, state and national level to provide resources to members and promote the valuable work Alliance members do in their communities. If your Alliance would like to submit an article about a project or health initiative, please email articles or ideas to [email protected]. Letters to the Editor – Physician Family welcomes your thoughts, suggestions and comments, and if you’d like to tell us what you think of Physician Family, please feel free to send us a Letter to the Editor. Please keep letters under 200 words; we reserve the right to edit for space. Send to [email protected] and please put “Letter to the Editor” in the subject line. For more information about the AMA Alliance, go to Join Today |